Minggu, 10 Juli 2016

Distance (3)

She loocked more beautiful than she ever had before...
One day, she was alone with her friend and she come with emotion at his sacrifice. She said,"..there is no way I could ever repay you..".
He left slowly, closing the door quicly behind him, for amoment she locked at in silence...
"Do you want me to give him up ...?"She whispered.
He looked at her and his expression quickly  turned to worry,"    what,  what do you say...?"
His jaw droped, even more when she walked toward the hallway of her appartement.She find out the trut about herself one night she thinks she dreams about drak, when she realize it was adream she at first freaks out.
The glint in her eyes was un mistakable.
She didn't cry. For a moment she  didn't do  anything....
She try to closed her eyes and  she did written something on the tablet. She lifted her cold , stiff fingers and remove the "paper" and read the few word  shed scrawled
She would probably arrive sometime that evening....!

Sabtu, 09 Juli 2016

Distance (2)

She want to feel that life is simple
"you can hide behind a mask, but me.......I don't start back and just watch when some thing un fair happens to me...!. I was out in the open and I to do everyting..."She explained.
"Will you forgive me ", puting her hand on his arm . Then "you are different from anyone else, you are smart, brave and very kind.... I think..... oh forget it...."
"Ok, I will forgive you but I will never forget...!,All about it and now would you please leave me alone. She said, then she kept he hnd a way from her arm and back him alone.
He was still in silence as through all his thinking process had slowdown .
And off she went, He looked at them all throwing the stone in his hand.

Life is just day, life is about meaning our ways. Many thing's come and go easyly.........

Jumat, 08 Juli 2016


This room is still empty and dark .....blame..!
she just has to knock but she will not open the door. Where does she belong, doesn't hold her too long, for she has been waiting too long...
"I am feeling down do not enjoying the activities that I have enjoyed in past...!"
"Why..." said her friend
"maybe other people think that I stupid..." She Answer
" I hope you say everything become clearly, never ask that are not the real problem and I will to help you!"
She just cry until speachless, than she said, "Because  I have tried as hard as possible to cut off my feelings, yet as  a matter of fact the more I tried, the stronger it came to my heart".
"Something more that meets the hearts ..."
"I think he never understand how happy it would never  make me feel, He just never says it, ....." she doesn't said anything....
Where she is going is suddenly  a whisper in my eye ", said her friend to me ...( be continued)

Sabtu, 21 Mei 2016

Diam itu emas

“Mas , disini gudangnya emas..?”
“Maksud bapak..?” Tanya Reporter ELS
“Banyak orang diam meskipun tidak seharusnya diam.”

Jangan Lupa Harga Diri Orang : Wani piro ..

 Saat reporter ELS sedang istirahat siang di cafe dekat sebuah perkantoran dan  pertokoan  melihat beberapa pengusaha sedang makan siang dimeja sebelah. Sambil nyeruput secangkir teh manis, reporter ELS, sedikit “mencuri- dengar” pembicaraan yang sedikit serius yang sudah berjalan lama tadi.  

Rabu, 03 Juli 2013

Meraih Sukses Dengan Sugesti Diri

Kadang kita dilemahkan oleh kalimat,lingkungan  ,orang lain dan  masa lalu, saat berupaya meraih mimpi menuju sukses. Namun hal itu tidak berlaku jika kita mampu memperkuat dan memperkokoh keyakinan yang kita miliki .Berikut beberapa kalimat yang patut anda perkuat untuk membangun keyakinan untuk sukses tatkala mengalami keraguan mencapainya:

Selasa, 07 Mei 2013


Steve Job (alm) ,Dahlan Iskan,Joko Wi ,Ciputra dan banyak pemimpin besar lainnya yang campur langsung   seorang pemimpin adalah duta bagi visi dan misi pelayanannya.
membesarkan “produknya” .Sekarang bukan jamannya pemimpin hanya menunggu laporan apalagi laporan asal bapak senang. Juga bukan dengan menyembunyikan diri dari publik